Developer ThinkingStars have released a playable demo for their upcoming game ANNO: Mutationem together with publisher Lightning Games. The game is slated to be released sometime next year but you can get a little taste of one of its dystopian cities right now via Steam.
The game is an interesting take on the fusion of 2D and 3D art styles, which I guess we can go ahead and call 2.5D for now. Featuring a beautiful mix of pixel and 3D graphics, ANNO: Mutationem is an action/adventure game with RPG elements (aka right up my alley).
Welcome to the neon-covered, 2D-meets-3D Cyberpunk world of ANNO: Mutationem. In this Action-Adventure game with RPG elements, you become Ann: a highly-skilled combat-trained lone wolf on a personal mission in a giant Metropolis, full of sinister mega-corporations, mysterious fringe groups and creatures more bizarre than words can express.
In the demo you get to explore one of the cities some of the game’s action takes place in, test out its combat systems, and get a little taste of the game’s storyline and characters.

The demo has been released in conjunction with The Game Awards which air tomorrow, December 10th. It will be interesting to see if the release of a certain other cyberpunk game will spark interest in an indie title like this, which is more along the lines of what I like. Personally speaking.
The demo is only going to be available until December 14th, so get in on this now.
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