The Voight-Kampff machines in Blade Runner are bulky and they seem like they would be a huge chore to lug around everywhere. Not to mention there is probably a painstaking process for setting one up to function properly. And we won’t get the fancy handheld Voight-Kampff testing machines until 2049. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an easier way to persecute replicants right now?
That’s where genius New Zealand-based programmer James Brown and Raspberry Pi come in. Brown has constructed a tiny little Voight-Kampff machine using a Raspberry Pi Pico, 3D-printed parts, and a tiny CRT screen from an old camcorder.

Brown came up with the idea for a homebrew Voight-Kampff machine while working on a face-tracking feature for an interactive exhibit. A debug tool he was using for the feature would show parts of his face as it detected them. So he decided to pack the unsettling experience into a pocket-sized machine.
The result is the VK-Pocket, a Voight-Kampff machine that fits in the palm of your hand. This little gadget is the perfect companion to the average blade runner out and about trying to apprehend replicants without the inconvenience of having to lug around a full-sized machine.

The VK-Pocket seen here is actually a fusion of the two distinct Voight-Kampff models used in the original film. Brown also added servos inside that push the little “bellows” up and down to make it look more accurate to the machines used in the film.
If you want one—and I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t—you will have to make it yourself. Fortunately Brown has compiled the code for you on Github. You’ll just need to find a 3D printer, a Raspberry Pi Pico, and camcorder viewfinder screen.
I should also mention that if you are in fact a blade runner and intend to use this cute little Voight-Kampff to actually detect replicants, you’ll likely have to add a little more code. Good luck with that, and happy blade running!
[Source: The MagPie]